There are many options for getting fitter and feeling more energised. Our lead Nordic Walking instructor Catherine can organise training sessions for group or individuals to suit all levels of fitness. She is a personal trainer who is GP referral qualified and is also an experienced orienteering coach who specialises in teaching novices how to read maps. She can offer advice on exercise with arthritis, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, COPD, osteoporosis, obesity, mild back pain, joint replacement and some mental health conditions.
To find out more about training to become a Nordic Walking instructor see details on

Catherine Hughes is a CYQ qualified personal trainer since 2006 with experience working with a wide range of clients.. She offers advice on how to improve fitness, eat healthily and effective ways of losing weight. Her mission is to plan enjoyable training sessions and pass on information that clients can use to boost their fitness during the rest of the week. If you enjoy training in the outdoors and would benefit from some motivation and support by a personal trainer, contact her for more information about options.

Would you like to feel more confident reading maps? Sat navs are useful - but we all know they sometimes stop working or give spurious information. Why not learn how to read maps by British Orienteering's Coach of the Year 2010? Catherine can teach you the key techniques using local orienteering maps. These skill can then be used with other maps, e.g. Ordnance survey publications.

Do you recognise the benefits of physical activity for your workplace? Work done by Price Waterhouse Coopers, commissioned by the Department of Work and Pensions shows the improvements in productivity and absenteeism when workplaces increase their levels of physical activity. Click here to read the report.
The team can offer Health MOTs, corporate Personal training, Workplace Nordic Walking and sign-posting to local physical activity initiatives and sports clubs. We have worked with my local employers including Vectura Pharmaceuticals and QMC hospital; see excerpt from letter by Director of HR at NUH below:
"I would like to express my sincere thanks for assisting with our Q-active programme over the last ten months. You stepped in at a particularly difficult time when the service was at risk of losing credibility; and you succeeded not only in restoring the programme but also in making some real improvements, and this is much appreciated."

Would you like to energise your department with a fun team day that enables staff to gain a big boost in self-esteem by learning new skills? Sessions can also be planned to facilitate the discovery of new ways of working as a team.
Events can arranged in a number of local parks with a bespoke timetable shaped by your required learning outcomes.
Organisations that have enjoyed Team Days or Health MOTs include British Gypsum, Nottingham University, National College School Leadership, East Midlands Ambulance Service, Nottingham City Council, Capital One, Land Registry, Big Wheel and Nottingham Community Housing Association